Specialist for industrial spare parts

Fast and safe delivery of spare parts in Germany and around the world

Global Trade has been operating as a spare parts supplier for over ten years and offers worldwide shipping of spare parts. We specialize in the delivery of spare parts within Germany and the European Union, including express deliveries in the regions of Lübeck, Hamburg and the whole of Schleswig-Holstein. Regardless of whether the spare part weighs less than 1 kg or up to 2500 kg, we ensure that your order is delivered around the clock, including weekends and holidays. We cover all types of spare parts shipments, from smaller components to large machine parts.

  • Large selection of products
  • Stockable and configurable products
  • Permanently low and transparent prices

Do you need help? You are welcome to reach us at +49 (451) 800-99-991 .

Global Trade – competence for over 20 years

If components of machines and systems are defective, quick action is required. Global Trade helps you avoid downtime and the high costs of delivery failures.

contact person

Mr Siegle
Logistics department

Available Dispatched

+49 (451) 800-99-991

Global sourcing

Inquiries & customer management

+49 (451) 800-99-991